Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Party (Among Other Things)

Well, I'm really sorry for not updating in such a long time, especially when it was a holiday and all. I guess you guys must have had a great time during the hols. Let me tell you that I didn't. Nope, not at all. It's really not funny having to juggle between work (which lasts from morning till night, a few times per week), school projects (a horrendous amount of it, seriously, I swear the school was out for my blood) and future plans (I don't like leaving things to chance) while getting barely four hours of sleep on a HOLIDAY (6 hours if I'm lucky). Damn, by the way, I'm down with a flu and its the only reason why you are seeing this update :).

Anyway, here's the deal. Including the 6 people that voted "Yes" on the poll, I can only gather around 80 persons for the party on the closing day of the poll. Not nearly half the required minimum. Honestly, the result is a headache as 1/3 of of the organizing committe left and the rest are frantically trying to find more cost-effective methods of organizing the party without comprimising the level of grandeur that we have planned (hence reducing the required minimum attendees). Therefore, we have decided to postpone it to 9 weeks from the time this post is published. Hopefully, I would be able to get a few hundred attendees by then. Anyway, if you are interested, just e-mail me at any time and we'll keep in touch.

Also, if you really love your lifestyle and your family and is concerned that the status quo could be threatened or you simply wish to have a better life (all in the financial sense), just request a consultation from me. I can not only help you review your plans, I can also get you qualified advisers. If you want more information, you can just e-mail me. By the way, here's my email: Do not even think of sending it to my Google account if you ever find out about it by any chance, because I'm not likely to read them. Why? Let's just say that its flooded by mails from Investopedia, Forex and many other financial news sites, in other words, it serve a different purpose. So, in all likeliness, I won't be reading yours if you send it to my Google account. Send it to my Yahoo and it'll be read soon enough since it is the account that I used to keep in contact with people daily. As for my MSN, don't bother sending them there too, its only for spur-of-the-moment email feeds.