Friday, November 14, 2008

Site Moving

Well, well, well. People, it seems that the time has come for me to

Yup, we're moving site so sit on tight. You can find my new site under the blogroll. Anyway, the link's here and if you wish to check out my other site its here. In about a week from now, all of the darkemperors series of blogs on blogger would be deleted save for one. The deleted content could be found on the new wordpress blog. And all of them. Why do I move? Simply for convenience. Wordpress offers better organization for blogging which reduces the burden of having to maintain so many blog at once (what I'm currently doing). Be sure to check them out.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Mafia Culture

Alright guys....Just as I said before, here it is, The Road to Perdition. You'll get to understand more about the mafia culture from here. Although the gangsters depicted are basically American and not the Sicilian mafia, you can be assured that much of the way they do things are pretty similar (being an offshoot). Watch the first and second part closely since most of the information you need will probably come from here. Also, thank's JamesKlanto for the materials. I'll be posting up more info soon.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Enter the Geass!!

Enter the Geass!

"Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion" and its sequel, "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2" are anime television series created by Sunrise. Code Geass won the best TV anime series award at the sixth annual Tokyo Anime Awards held at the 2007 Tokyo International Anime Fair. In a popular Japanese anime magazine Animage's 29th Annual Anime Grand Prix, Code Geass won the most popular series award, with its protagonist, Lelouch Lamperouge, also being chosen as the most popular male character and its OP, "Colors", being chosen as the most popular song. At the first Seiyū Awards held in 2007, Jun Fukuyama won the award for best actor in a leading role for his performance as Lelouch Lamperouge in the series, while Ami Koshimizu won the award for best actress in a supporting role for her performance as Kallen Stadtfeld. Furthermore, Code Geass won the award for Best TV Animation at the twelfth Animation Kobe event, held annually in Kobe, Hyōgo Prefecture.

The Plot

On August 10, 2010, a.t.b. (the Imperial calendar), the Holy Empire of Britannia overpowered Japanese forces and conquered the country with their new robotic weapons, the Knightmare Frames, in less than a month. In the aftermath of Britannia's invasion, Japan lost its freedom, its rights, and even its name, becoming Area 11 of the Britannian Empire. The Japanese people, renamed as "Elevens", are forced to survive in the ghettos, while Britannians live in first-world settlements. Rebel elements persist, however, as pockets of Japanese organizations struggle against the Empire for the independence of Japan.

A few years prior to the invasion.....

After his father, the Emperor of Britannia, failed to prevent the assassination of his mother, an attack which also left his sister blind and crippled, the young prince Lelouch confronted his father who then stripped Lelouch off his power and sent him to Japan as a political hostage.

After the end of the war......

Seven years later, living in Area 11, he encounters a mysterious girl named C.C., who gives him what she called "The Power of the King", Geass. With it, he finally has the capability, besides his amazing genius, that he needs to defeat Britannia and fulfill his two wishes: to seek revenge for his mother and to construct a world in which his beloved sister can live happily.

For those of you who have never heard of Code Geass before, I really hope that you know of Death Note. Yup, that is because both stories are pretty much the same in concept, different only in settings. What I mean by that, is that there is a great resemblence between the two. In Death Note, you have the genius by the name of Light who went on to rid the world of villains with a mysterious power in the form of the Death Note. You get to see Light used the Death Note in some really outrageous and clever schemes. In Code Geass, you get to see Lelouch Lamperouge using his Geass, which is the power of absolute command, to orchestrate some really outrageous schemes. I would say that it is Death Note magnified a million times.

When it comes to settings, Code Geass is in a different world from our own. The history of the world in Code Geass has seen differences and alterations starting from the failed invasion of the British Isle by the Romans. You can find more info on the settings over the net, since I really don't want to spoil you.

My Thoughts

Code Geass is a really interesting show. It has a major plot accompanied by many sub-plots that eventually merge together. It also pay a huge attention to character development. The most fulfilling part of watching this show is probably seeing how the protagonist, Lelouch, would orchestrate some really amazing plan, often times destroying enemies in conditions where even survival seemed an impossibility. In most of his plans, you would usually see him being surrounded in battle, then, through some unconventional methods, he would obliterate his enemies and gives off an evil laugh. Yeah, I love that laugh. It was what differentiate this anime from many others, an anime where the protagonist is also the most "evil" character.

Starting from the 7th of July, 2008, I will be putting up my review and rantings on each episode of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2. You may read them at or simply access the Imperial Decree which can be found on the bloglist to the right-hand side of this blog. Also, realise that I indicate "R2". This is because I won't be able to spare the time to go through the first season as well. However, there are other sites that you can visit to find out more about them. The second season, in my opinion, has so far (it's still ongoing) shown to be more varied that it's predecessor. While the first season if normally filled with blood and angst, the second season has lots of variety like high-school romance, a tinge of comedy and a larger scale of setting to it. Here below is the First Episode of the First Season of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.

Code geass episode 1 -

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Party (Among Other Things)

Well, I'm really sorry for not updating in such a long time, especially when it was a holiday and all. I guess you guys must have had a great time during the hols. Let me tell you that I didn't. Nope, not at all. It's really not funny having to juggle between work (which lasts from morning till night, a few times per week), school projects (a horrendous amount of it, seriously, I swear the school was out for my blood) and future plans (I don't like leaving things to chance) while getting barely four hours of sleep on a HOLIDAY (6 hours if I'm lucky). Damn, by the way, I'm down with a flu and its the only reason why you are seeing this update :).

Anyway, here's the deal. Including the 6 people that voted "Yes" on the poll, I can only gather around 80 persons for the party on the closing day of the poll. Not nearly half the required minimum. Honestly, the result is a headache as 1/3 of of the organizing committe left and the rest are frantically trying to find more cost-effective methods of organizing the party without comprimising the level of grandeur that we have planned (hence reducing the required minimum attendees). Therefore, we have decided to postpone it to 9 weeks from the time this post is published. Hopefully, I would be able to get a few hundred attendees by then. Anyway, if you are interested, just e-mail me at any time and we'll keep in touch.

Also, if you really love your lifestyle and your family and is concerned that the status quo could be threatened or you simply wish to have a better life (all in the financial sense), just request a consultation from me. I can not only help you review your plans, I can also get you qualified advisers. If you want more information, you can just e-mail me. By the way, here's my email: Do not even think of sending it to my Google account if you ever find out about it by any chance, because I'm not likely to read them. Why? Let's just say that its flooded by mails from Investopedia, Forex and many other financial news sites, in other words, it serve a different purpose. So, in all likeliness, I won't be reading yours if you send it to my Google account. Send it to my Yahoo and it'll be read soon enough since it is the account that I used to keep in contact with people daily. As for my MSN, don't bother sending them there too, its only for spur-of-the-moment email feeds.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Party Survey Estimation

Ok, if you happen to have received the e-mail I've sent you through one way or another, please answer the poll on the right side of this web page :). For those of you who do not know, I will most likely be holding a party (depending on the level of response) soon. Here are the details:

- Date: 11 June 2008
- Venue: undecided as of yet (depending on the crowd size, more people means bigger trenches, right?
- Time 4.30 pm till midnight (You may leave anytime you want, though its advisable to stay as late as possible to enjoy the most benefit we have to offer).
- Attire: As long as you don't wear the same thing as the King from the Emperor's New Clothes. it'll be fine.
- Fee: $22 (as of now. The more people attending = less investment per person).
- Your Age: >14

--> What we will have:

Inclusive (its in the tickets):
-->Various Competitions (you may enter or watch) with prizes for the winners
-->Beverage (drink-all-you-want-till-you-drop Coke, Lemon Tea, etc.)
-->Snacks (chips, oreos, anything-else-you-may-suggest-later-on)
-->Games (no prizes for this one)
-->Socializing with other people, making new friends
-->Music (you may request:)
-->Performances by a local band(s)
-->BBQ (still under consideration)

Exclusive (you may have to pay extra for this, it's still under consideration of course. So keep those feedbacks coming in!):
-->Booze (still under consideration, if allowed, only those above the legal age might have it)
-->Eat-till-you-drop pizza (keep the feedbacks coming in, we still have not decided to implement this)

Just to let you know, this party is jointly organized and so decisions regarding it is made on consensus. Since I am in charge of the marketing and measuring response, I am your channel to your ideal party because through me, you can have your say on how this party will be run. So please, keep those feedbacks coming in and we will implement changes accordingly.
Thank you very much for your help and cooperation. If you have any inquiries, feedbacks, flames, criticism, praise, etc...., just post a comment on the cbox or drop me an e-mail at, your response is greatly appreciated. Remember to answer the poll now that you know about it :):).

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Updating of Posts

Well, I have promised to update this blog once at least once a week. Though honestly it's becoming more difficult. I am intending to add more services to my blog that I hope visitors will find useful. However, this will not be likely till next week. Oh ya, on another note, if any of you have relatives or close friends or even yourself currently studying in either polytechnic or junior college, please inform me. Your help will be pretty much appreciated. What do I need the information for? Well I can only discuss the issue privately, so if you are one of those individuals who fits the criteria stated and are willing to help (you kind soul), feel free to tell me.

Life, Phsychological Continuity Or Physical Preservation?

Well this question began to materialize in my head a long time ago, but it became more intense just recently. It started when I read this book, titled "The Pig That Wants To Be Eaten: 100 Experiments for the Armchair Philosopher". I advised that you to read this book too. A few of the thought experiments, although not directly related, pose the same question, in a way. One question of which attract a particular attention from me. So the question goes like this: Does our existence continue for as long as our consciousness continues? Or does it all end when our bodies are no longer breathing?

First, I will commence this topic with a thought scenario:
For Stelios, the teletransporter is the only way to travel. Previously, it took months to get from Earth to Mars, confined to a cramped spacecraft with a far from perfect safety record. Stelios's TeletransportExpress changed all that. Now, the trip takes just minutes, and so far it has been 100 percent safe.

However, now he is facing a lawsuit from a disgruntled customer who is claiming that the teletransporter had actually killed him. His argument is simple: the teletransporter works by scanning your brain and body cell by cell, destroying them, beaming the information to Mars and reconstructing you there. Although the person on Mars looks, feels and thinks just like a person who has been sent to sleep and zapped across space, the claimant argues that what actually happens is that you are murdered and replaced by a clone.

To Stelios, this sounds absurd. After all, he has taken the teletransporter trip dozens of times and he doesn't feel dead. Indeed, how can the claimant seriously believe that he has been killed by the process when he is clearly able to take the case to court?
Still, as Stelios entered the teletransporter booth once again and prepared to press the button that would begin to dismantle him, he did, for a second, wonder whether he was about to commit suicide......
Source: Chapter 10 of Reasons and Persons by Derek Parfit (Oxford University Press, 1984)

So, on what grounds could you consider yourself as being alive? Most people would say that as long our bodies continue to function, we are alive. But if you take this to be true, it means that you must believe that your existence is something physical, not an entity similar to the concept of the ghost in the machine. However, what if for example, my body happen to stop functioning all of a sudden and in the nick of time, the surgeons manage to salvage only one thing, my memory and they transplanted that memory into another body and I wake up again, having all the senses, thoughts and memories that I had before I "died"? Could you say that that person who has awaken with my consciousness is not me but another person? Would you agree that the day I died is the day when someone, somewhere, wake up with my consciousness, memories and personalities and yet that person is me?

Going back to the above scenario, Stelios obviously understands how his machine works but what he didn't get was how being "cloned" every time he used the machine actually matters. Its clear to him that when he walks into the booth he will wake up again in another planet. The part where his body disintegrated does not matter. For as long as he continue to be conscious of his surroundings and existence, he is alive. Ever watch 'The Sixth Day'? If you take it that 'psychological continuity' or 'continuity of consciousness' is what matters, then may I ask you? If there are two clones of the same person who died in a car accident, lets name the person Dick, identical in every aspect and share a similar consciousness. If you agree that it is psychological continuity that matters in deciding whether a person is in existence or not, you must also say that these two are not clones but Dick themselves for they carry with them Dick's consciousness.

So, now we end up with two Dicks and if your stand is that psychological continuity is what matters, then we no longer need to question whether they are Dick or not, or which one is the real Dick because both of them are Dicks. Lets take it further, lets say I decided that I don't like Dick's face so I went and shot him in the face from point blank, using a Desert Eagle Mark XIX chambered with the .357 Magnum (he can't be alive now, can he?). However, I left the other one unscathed because I just feel like it. Now, there is one Dick which I shot and he is dead, the other Dick is still healthy and alive. So, should I say that Dick is both dead and alive? Or should I say that Dick is still alive because his consciousness still continues (remember, I didn't shot the other Dick)? If I say that, how about the other Dick who was obviously alive a while ago?

So, maybe we should just reject the concept of psychological continuity and instead go with the concept of physical preservation. If we take it that preservation of physical self is what matters, then the clone scenario above will be much easier to explain. Based on the concept of physical preservation, Dick was the guy who had died during the car accident. Those clones are not him and so here we can finally have a clear-cut answer. Hang on a moment, there is still doubt about this concept too.
Take a look at another scenario below:

This is not what Ray North had bargained for. As an international master criminal, he prided himself on being able to get the job done. His latest client had demanded that he steal the famous yacht, Theseus, the vessel from which the British newspaper magnate Lucas Grub had thrown himself to his death and which more recently had been the scene of the murder of LA rapper, Daddy Iced Tea.

But here he was in the dry dock where the boat had just finished being repaired, confronted by two seemingly identical yachts. North turned to the security man, who was being held at gun point by one of his cronies.

'If you want to live, you'd better tell me which one of these is the real Theseus,' demanded Ray.
'That kinda depends,' came the nervous reply. 'You see, when we started to repair the ship, we needed to replace lots of parts. Only, we kept all the old parts. But as the work progressed, we ended up replacing virtually everything. When we had finished, some of the guys thought it would be a good idea to use all the old parts to reconstruct another version of the ship. So, that's what we've got. On the left, the Theseus repaired with new parts and on the right, the Theseus restored from old parts.'

'But which one is the genuine Theseus?' demanded Ray. 'I've told you all I know!' screamed the guard, as the crony tightened his grip. Ray scratched his head and started to think about how he could get away with both...................
Source: Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes (1651)

Same question here, which one is the real Theseus? If Theseus is about its historic value then we could say that Theseus restored from the old parts is the real Theseus but if we talk about the status of ownership, then it will be the repaired Theseus which the owner will have the certificate to sail away with. But what does this have anything to do with the topic of this post?

Well, if we take the concept of physical preservation to be true, then we should say that whatever clones are made from us, they are not us but another being. So, shouldn't the same thing applies for the cells in our body? When our cells go through binary fission, what results from that is not two of the same cells but two different cells. Then, based on the concept of physical preservation, could we say that we are no longer ourselves? As we grow, our cells died and are replaced with new cells, so since these cells are not our old cells but new cells, that means we are no longer ourselves since how much of us is left since the day we were born? But to say that we are dead would be too extreme since we all know that we have memories of our past and are still conscious of our surroundings. We don't feel dead now are we? So, is it psychological continuity that matters when it comes to deciding whether we are still in existence? But how about the Dick's scenario on top? Or could it be that everything is just an illusion? That, however, is another case.............

To Kill Or To Let Die

Not too long ago in a place not too far away, a guy by the name of John was put in a very difficult situation. The train was about to reach his location in about one minute, the problem is, there were 70 people working on the railroad. He had 2 options, he can either not do anything and let most if not all the workers die or he can pull the lever which just happened to be right beside him and thus save those 70 workers. However, by pulling the lever, he would divert the train to another railroad where there were 7 people working on it and will certainly kill them.

The question I have is that should John pull the lever or should he just leave it as it was? To a utilitarian, it is obvious that the right course of action is to pull the lever. Just think about it, you get to save 70 live while only sacrificing 7, isn't that wonderful?! However, is it all just a simple number game? (Those of you who think that you can shout to the workers, let me remind you that this is a thought scenario and in a thought scenario, you are to follow the premises given.)
It is certainly true that when you pull the lever you are trading the lives of 7 for the lives of 70 but at the same time you are also directly taking the lives of 7 people. Now, compare that to if you decide not to do anything. Certainly lives numbering much larger than 7 will have to vanish, but you are not responsible now, are you? Because when you don't pull the lever you are just letting what will happen, happen. You are not making any difference to the consequences of that train rolling over the 70 people, its not your fault, you are just a witness to the tragedy. Saving them will only be something extra, and you'll still have to dirty your hands if you save them anyway as you have to directly cause the death of 7 people.

Hang on, if you actually have the power to change that bloody outcome where 70 people would have to die, shouldn't you do it? And if you don't, doesn't that make you responsible for their deaths, though indirectly?
This thought scenario indeed poses a moral dilemma, to kill or to let to let die. The same thing can apply in practical everyday life too. For example, when a mother-to-be is pregnant with foetus that actually poses a risk to her life (let us just take it that the foetus has some sort of genetic disorder), should or should the mother not abort the prospective offspring? If you are a doctor who is approached by this mother-to-be, what will you do? Will you kill the foetus and hence save the life of that woman? Or would you rather do nothing? And perhaps that will save the foetus from death and yourself from having to dirty your hands. So, what do you think?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Fresh Restart

To those who have been to my old blog, I welcome you. Today, I have decided to start blogging again and have a fresh start. After being dormant for a year. Now that I am finally closer to 16 years of age, I better buckle up and prepare my destiny. For now, that is about all that I can say. What's the purpose of this blog? Among other things, it is to act as my diary and ensure that I always know that I am accountable for my own progress. Well, 'nough blabbering and go on to the rest of the post. Remember that you can always look in the archive.